
Sharon Bippus

Stories, Flash Fiction, Poetry, and other Creative Adventures

Meet Sharon Bippus

Sharon Bippus is an award winning writer with over 20 publications. Her short story collection, “This Blue Earth,” won the 2023 Michigan Writers chapbook competition in the area of fiction. Judge Thisbe Nissen said, “Sharon Bippus is a writer of extraordinary talent and self-possession.”

This Blue Earth

“What a delight to explore the worlds and characters of these stories! I found myself wanting to read sentences aloud as I came across them, wondrous turns of phrase, perfectly pitched captures of voice, tiny little jokes that made me snort with laughter, followed by lines that just broke my heart in their plainspoken truth and wisdom. This earth is a blue earth—in its oceans and its heartbreak and cloudy nostalgia, and in the blues Callie’s singing for those old River Junction days. I’d follow Callie’s voice across all the red-line interstate miles of the map and beyond! I feel such confidence in these stories and these voices. Sharon Bippus is a writer of extraordinary talent and self-possession.”

Thisbe Nissen, author of Out of the Girls Room and into the Night and How Other People Make Love , American Author

The stories in this collection center on women exploring mysteries in their lives: how common experiences can have new meaning, how generations can have connection, and how certain things can never be understood or explained.

Buy Your Copy

Sharon’s award-winning chapbook is now available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local bookstore.

Hypertext Magazine Interview

Finding Your Prowess, Feeling Your Worth: An Interview with Sharon Bippus, Michigan Writers Cooperative Press Chapbook Winner

Explore the literary journey of Sharon Bippus as she delves into the art of storytelling, chronicling her award-winning chapbook ‘This Blue Earth’ in an exclusive interview with Hypertext Magazine.

Hypertext Magazine Interview Literary Michigan Writers Chapbook Award Winning Contest Sharon Bippus Stories Character Development Writing Plot

Watershed Voice Interview

Q&A with local award-winning author Sharon Bippus

Check out this interview where Sharon shares insights into her characters, writing inspiration, and the beauty of small town life. Read it here:

All The Things


Things In A Closet

By |February 4th, 2025|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I used to have a lot of stuff piled up in my closets. Same thing for my basement. I had clothes that didn’t fit. Shoes I no longer wore. Sheets, towels, even blankets, I no longer used. And in the basement there were all kinds of oddities I’d forgotten I even had. And then I started volunteering at our local free store. And that changed everything. Our free store is super organized. Clothing in good condition gets put on a hanger and then placed on a rack of similarly sized[...]


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