The majority of Sharon’s writing time is focused on her novel. She’s nearing completion of the first draft and feeling very comfortable with where it’s heading. This isn’t her first novel, but her third. That’s right, it’s her third novel, but it will be the first one published. She’s also working on a short story collection, which will possibly include a novella pulled from one of those earlier novels.
Literary Citizenship is important to Sharon. That means that she actively supports others in the writing community, rather than writing in a silo. When not at her desk or couch, Sharon attends writing conferences, author events, and purchases books at her local independent book store. “Writing,” Sharon says, “can be a tough and lonely life; it’s good to support others like yourself, who are may be ahead or behind you on the same path.”
When she’s not at her desk writing, she’s learning. As part of her commitment to being a literary citizen, she offers the following sources that have proven helpful to her.
Her first go-to spot. For a small fee, writers can attend Thursday workshops on line or in person (in Winnetka, Illinois) given by experts in the field.
Jane offers a variety of opportunities and insights into writing and the publishing industry through her blog and online classes. Very affordable.
StoryStudio Chicago
StoryStudio offers a variety of in-person and online classes that teach the art, craft, and business of writing in a positive, open, and encouraging setting where students can discover their unique voices.
Katey offers a variety of writing programs. Sharon participated in her yearly mentorship program, a flash fiction workshop, and her annual free Emerge live writing.
Explore Substack where you can read the latest newsletters from your favorite authors for free. You can pay to get a full subscription which supports the writer and gives you valuable information related to craft.
And speaking of magazines, why not subscribe to one or two?
Sharon has been a subscriber of Poets & Writers magazine for around thirty years and appreciates how they foster the professional development of poets and writers.
With a great website full of useful articles and a print publication packed with great info, this is one of Sharon’s favorites.
There are many print and online literary journals that need your support; you might consider subscribing or donating to a few, especially if you envision seeing your work there one day.
And lastly, for now, check out a new submission site called Chill Subs.
Chillsubs lists around 3,000 places you can submit to for free and includes data like response time and number of twitter followers. They also include all kinds of other useful info like residencies, contests, and events.
However, Submittable still rules the roost along with Duotrope.